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Is treadmill running good? Picture of someone running on a treadmill with the words "Treadmill bad????"

Is running 5k on a treadmill good?

In early 2020, at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, some of my runner friends decided to pick up a treadmill. Usually, before the pandemic, we would run together as a group and complete our 5k before jogging back to our different homes.  Running over three miles with some of my best friends was a … Read more
How many days per week should you train to run a 5k featured image.

How many times a week should you run to train for a 5k?

Training for a 5k is an enjoyable experience for seasoned runners and anyone who’s just starting. Just like any kind of training for any event, you need to plan and prepare for any eventuality. For running a 5k, planning and preparation is the most important issue you must deal with. More often than not, the … Read more
Thumbnail image for is running 5k every day bad?

Is Running 5k Everyday Bad?

RED – Running Every Day is a popular term among the running community. If you love running, you might be tempted to run at least a 5k every day. There are many reasons why some runners choose to run a 5k or more daily. Some people run so they can maintain their fitness, while others … Read more
How often should you run 5k? Thumbnail image with a calendar and the words "how often"

How often can I run 5k? Tips for beginners and advanced runners.

Running is one of the best ways of maintaining fitness and keeping the body in good shape. But some people are obsessed with running. I know it can be a bit addictive considering the adrenaline rush you feel when on a run and particularly after you finish a 5k for the first time or with … Read more
how many calories do you burn running 5k featured image

How many calories do you use running 5k?

One of the best workouts for maintaining fitness and keeping the body healthy is running. Running helps you maintain your weight compared to other sports like skiing or swimming according to reports by American Council on Exercise. However, running on a treadmill is completely different from running a 5k outdoors since you don’t face wind … Read more
What's the biking equivalent of running a 5k thumbnail

What’s the biking equivalent to running a 5k? Cycle miles vs. Running Miles

It’s every runner’s worst fear. An injury that prevents you from running. Especially if you’re in the middle of training for a big race like a marathon. In those cases, you’re often relegated to a bicycle. But how can you stick with your training plan if you’re got to bike instead of run? I did … Read more

Hi, I’m Sam, and I’m a runner.

Trail Runner. Marathon Runner. 5k Runner. Run commuter.